- Assessing BERT’s sensitivity to idiomaticity (Li Liu, François Lareau), In Proceedings of the Joint Workshop on Multiword Expressions and Universal Dependencies (MWE-UD@LREC-COLING24), European Language Resources Association and International Committee on Computational Linguistics, 2024.
- Flexible Lexicalization in Rule-based Text Realization (Avril Gazeau, François Lareau), In Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation, European Language Resources Association and International Committee on Computational Linguistics, 2024.
- Predicates and entities in Abstract Meaning Representation (Antoine Venant, François Lareau), In Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Dependency Linguistics (Depling, GURT/SyntaxFest 2023), Association for Computational Linguistics, 2023.
- Mod-D2T: A Multi-layer Dataset for Modular Data-to-Text Generation (Simon Mille, François Lareau, Stamatia Dasiopoulou, Anya Belz), In Proceedings of the 16th International Natural Language Generation Conference (C. Maria Keet, Hung-Yi Lee, Sina Zarrieß, eds.), Association for Computational Linguistics, 2023.
- Word sense induction for (French) verb valency discovery (Naïma Hassert, François Lareau), In Electronic lexicography in the 21st century (eLex 2023): Invisible Lexicography. Proceedings of the eLex 2023 conference, Lexical Computing CZ s.r.o., 2023.
- A Methodology for Building a Diachronic Dataset of Semantic Shifts and its Application to QC-FR-Diac-V1.0, a Free Reference for French (David Kletz, Philippe Langlais, François Lareau, Patrick Drouin), In Proceedings of the Thirteenth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, European Language Resources Association, 2022.
- Handling Idioms in Symbolic Multilingual Natural Language Generation (Michaelle Dubé, François Lareau), In Proceedings of the 18th Workshop on Multiword Expressions (MWE@LREC22), European Language Resources Association, 2022.
- Multilingual sentence-level bias detection in Wikipedia (Desislava Aleksandrova, François Lareau, Pierre André Ménard), In Proceedings of the international conference Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, 2019.
- GenDR: A Generic Deep Realizer with Complex Lexicalization (François Lareau, Florie Lambrey, Ieva Dubinskaite, Daniel Galarreta-Piquette, Maryam Nejat), In Proceedings of 11th edition of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC), 2018.
- Retrieving Information from the French Lexical Network in RDF/OWL Format (Alexsandro Fonseca, Fatiha Sadat, François Lareau), In Proceedings of the 11th edition of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC), 2018.
- Fonctions lexicales et annotation de corpus: des outils pour l'apprentissage des collocations linguistiques (Isabella Carini, Adriano Ferraresi, François Lareau, Silvia Bernardini), In Actes du colloque Lexicologie, terminologie, traduction (LTT), 2018.
- Combining dependency parsing and a lexical network based on lexical functions for the extraction of collocations (Alexsandro Fonseca, Fatiha Sadat, François Lareau), In Computational and Corpus-Based Phraseology: Second International Conference Proceedings (Ruslan Mitkov, ed.), Springer, 2017.
- Encoding a syntactic dictionary into a super granular unification grammar (Sylvain Kahane, François Lareau), In Proceedings of the Grammar and Lexicon Workshop, COLING, 2016.
- Word Ordering as a Graph Rewriting Process (Sylvain Kahane, François Lareau), Chapter in Formal Grammar: 20th and 21st International Conferences, FG 2015, Barcelona, Spain, August 2015, Revised Selected Papers. FG 2016, Bozen, Italy, August 2016, Proceedings (Annie Foret, Glyn Morrill, Reinhard Muskens, Rainer Osswald, Sylvain Pogodalla, eds.), Springer, 2016.
- Lexfom: a lexical functions ontology model (Alexsandro Fonseca, Fatiha Sadat, François Lareau), In Proceedings of the Firth Workshop on Cognitive Aspects of the Lexicon (CogALex), COLING, 2016.
- A lexical ontology to represent lexical functions (Alexsandro Fonseca, Fatiha Sadat, François Lareau), In Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Language and Ontologies, 2016.
- La séparation des composantes lexicale et flexionnelle des vecteurs de mots (François Lareau, Gabriel Bernier-Colborne, Patrick Drouin), In Actes de TALN 2015, 2015.
- Le traitement des collocations en génération de texte multilingue (Florie Lambrey, François Lareau), In Actes de TALN 2015, 2015.
- Is Bad Structure Better Than No Structure?: Unsupervised Parsing for Realisation Ranking (Yasaman Motazedi, Mark Dras, François Lareau), In Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (Coling'12), 2012.
- Implementing lexical functions in XLE (François Lareau, Mark Dras, Benjamin Börschinger, Myfany Turpin), In Proceedings of LFG12 (Miriam Butt, Tracy Holloway King, eds.), 2012.
- Complex predicates in Arrernte (Mark Dras, François Lareau, Benjamin Börschinger, Robert Dale, Yasaman Motazedi, Owen Rambow, Myfany Turpin, Morgan Ulinski), In Proceedings of LFG12 (Miriam Butt, Tracy Holloway King, eds.), 2012.
- Collocations in Multilingual Natural Language Generation: Lexical Functions meet Lexical Functional Grammar (François Lareau, Mark Dras, Benjamin Börschinger, Robert Dale), In Proceedings of ALTA'11, 2011.
- Detecting Interesting Event Sequences for Sports Reporting (François Lareau, Mark Dras, Robert Dale), In Proceedings of ENLG 2011 (Claire Gardent, Kristina Striegnitz, eds.), 2011.
- Grammemes (François Lareau), In Proceedings of MTT 2011 (Igor Boguslavsky, Leo Wanner, eds.), 2011.
- MARQUIS: Generation of user-tailored multilingual air quality bulletins (Leo Wanner, Bernd Bohnet, Nadjet Bouayad-Agha, François Lareau, Daniel Nicklaß), In Applied Artificial Intelligence, volume 24, 2010.
- Applying the Meaning-Text Theory Model to Text Synthesis with Low- and Middle-Density Languages in Mind (Leo Wanner, François Lareau), Chapter in Language Engineering for Lesser-Studied Languages (Sergei Nirenburg, ed.), IOS Press, 2009.
- Le temps verbal dans l'interface sémantique-syntaxe du français (François Lareau), In Proceedings of MTT 2009 (David Beck, Kim Gerdes, Jasmina Milicevic, Alain Polguère, eds.), 2009.
- Vers une grammaire d'unification Sens-Texte du français: le temps verbal dans l'interface sémantique-syntaxe (François Lareau), PhD thesis, Université de Montréal / Université Paris 7, 2008.
- From Measurement Data to Environmental Information: MARQUIS - A multimodal air quality information service for the general public (Leo Wanner, Daniel Nicklaß, Bernd Bohnet, Nadjet Bouayad-Agha, Joachim Bronder, F. Ferreira, F. Friedrich, Ari Karppinen, François Lareau, Achim Lohmeyer, A. Panighi, S. Parisio, H. Scheu-Hachtel, João Serpa), In Proceedings of ISESS 2007, 2007.
- On the Challenge of Creating and Communicating Air Quality Information (Leo Wanner, Bernd Bohnet, Nadjet Bouayad-Agha, François Lareau, Achim Lohmeyer, Daniel Nicklaß), In Proceedings of ISESS 2007, 2007.
- Vers une formalisation des décompositions sémantiques dans la Grammaire d'Unification Sens-Texte (François Lareau), In Actes de TALN 2007, 2007.
- Towards a Generic Multilingual Dependency Grammar for Text Generation (François Lareau, Leo Wanner), In Proceedings of the GEAF07 Workshop (Tracy Holloway King, Emily M. Bender, eds.), CSLI, 2007.
- Automatic Production of Multilingual Environmental Information (Bernd Bohnet, François Lareau, Leo Wanner), In Proceedings of EnviroInfo 2007, volume 2, 2007.
- Meaning-Text Unification Grammar: modularity and polarization (Sylvain Kahane, François Lareau), In Proceedings of MTT 2005, 2005.
- Grammaire d'Unification Sens-Texte : modularité et polarisation (Sylvain Kahane, François Lareau), In Actes de TALN 2005, 2005.
- Towards an explanatory-combinatorial dictionary of Japanese (François Lareau), In Proceedings of ASIALEX 2003, 2003.
- La synthèse automatique de paraphrases comme outil de vérification des dictionnaires et grammaires de type Sens-Texte (François Lareau), Master's thesis, Université de Montréal, 2002.
- A practical guide to writing DiCo entries (François Lareau), In Online proceedings of Papillon 2001, 2001.